Regular and punctual attendance is mandatory for student success. To receive instruction, a student must be in class. There is no way to make-up the instruction that is presented on any specific day. A good education requires continuity of instruction. We will follow all School Board Policies regarding attendance. There are a limited number of days a student may be absent before retention in a grade level is mandated.
If your child is ill and unable to attend class, please contact the school office (918 833-9480). They will need to make arrangements with the teacher to make up class work for the day/days missed.
Early Release of Students
No dismissals are made after 2:00 p.m. Any adult picking up a student must provide valid photo ID and be on the student’s approved pick-up list. The student will be called from the classroom to the office. All students must be signed out through the office. Students are expected to remain on school grounds unless proper check-out procedures have been followed.
School is dismissed at 2:35 pm. When a child is picked up early, they are missing last-minute instruction and the whole class is disturbed. Please make every effort to schedule doctor and dentist appointments after school hours. If a student is picked up more than one hour early, they will be counted absent one half day.
Students Late for School
A tardy slip will be issued and will serve as a pass to class. Chronic tardiness (excused or unexcused), not only deprives your child of valuable classroom experiences, it also disrupts the continuity of the lesson for the other students. We are asking that you help your child develop a responsible work ethic by making sure he/she is present, on time and ready to learn. If a student is late by more than two hours, they will be counted absent one-half day.