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Dear Tulsa families,

I hope you’ve had a fun summer and are feeling recharged! The first day of school is Tuesday, August 20, and I can’t wait to see our classrooms full of smiling students again.

Here’s a quick checklist of some important updates in this message, all to help get you back-to-school ready!

Back to School Form & Free Meals Districtwide this Year

Visit for bell times, uniforms, bus routes, and more. You’ll also need to complete a Back to School form for your family:

Tulsa Public Schools now offers FREE breakfast and lunch daily to ALL students. Visit for more information. We are thrilled to provide every student with the benefits of high-quality nutrition without burdensome paperwork (no free/reduced meal applications needed). We appreciate all you do as a parent or guardian, and we hope this lightens your load a bit this year!

Please be sure to fill out your Back to School Form so we can continue providing free lunch for all students!


Did you know children can suffer academically if they miss 10 percent of the school year? That’s just 2 days a month! Missing this much school or more is considered chronic absenteeism and means your student is at risk of falling behind. Research shows us that absences add up. That’s as true for kindergartners as for 12th graders – and even for excused absences.

We know your child may sometimes have to miss school, especially when they’re sick. But this year, we want to remind you that every day counts on the path to graduation. Together, we can ensure your student is on their way to future success!


Don’t forget to update your student’s immunizations or exemptions before school starts – we must have records on file. Find the full list of the required immunizations by grade level here. There are many opportunities for free immunizations happening across Tulsa. Please check our calendar at for vaccination opportunities and other community events where you can collect resources for your children.

The Tulsa Health Department offers walk-in appointments from 8am-4pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Central Regional Health Center (315 S Utica Ave, open until 6pm on Thursdays in August) and the North Regional Health and Wellness Center (5635 M.L.K. Jr. Blvd). Or call 918-582-9355 to schedule an appointment.

If a student does not have documentation of the required immunizations or an exemption on file, they will not be able to attend school.

Cell Phones and Personal Devices

Tulsa Public Schools prioritizes safety and instructional time for all students. Our school board policy and regulation is designed to support students, teachers and staff in maximizing instructional time by removing distractions. Here is what you can expect across Tulsa Public Schools in 2024-25:

  1. If your student is in ELEMENTARY or MIDDLE school, cell phones and personal electronic devices (including smart watches or headphones) are to be turned off and put away from the time the student arrives on campus until school is dismissed for the day.
  2. If your student is in HIGH school, cell phones and personal electronic devices (including smart watches or headphones) are to be turned off and put away during all instructional time during the school day.
  3. Please visit our website to read or learn more about:
    1. Board Policy 2620 and 2620-R
    2. The Student and Family Guide to Success which outlines any consequences for students who are not in compliance with our district policy

OSDE Guidance on Academic Standards

Tulsa Public Schools is fully aligned with the approved Oklahoma Academic Standards. Together with our elected Board of Education, we work with our teachers, leaders, families and the community to select the most appropriate curriculum and instructional materials to equip our students to meet or exceed the standards set forth by the state department. This coming school year, we will continue to fulfill our academic responsibilities while also keeping ideals of religious liberty in the highest regard across our district. At any time parents and the community may inspect curriculum and instructional materials. To do so, please contact

NEW! Tulsa Public Schools Family Resource Guide

Have questions about navigating the district? The newly-redesigned Tulsa Public Schools Family Resource Guide is a comprehensive guide that provides answers to our most frequently asked questions.

At Tulsa Public Schools, we are committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Whether you currently attend a school in our district or are a prospective family looking to enroll, this resource guide serves as your roadmap to understanding our district's mission, educational programs, extracurricular activities, and support services. 

See you soon – much more greatness ahead!

We made great progress last year and I’m energized and ready to move into this school year with even bigger goals in front of us, but I will need your help! As you know, parents serve as the first teacher for a child, and that never stops. While we’re working hard in school, we need you to help reinforce what your child learns in the classroom – whether this is helping you write a letter to a grandparent or adding up ingredients needed to cook dinner. We want you involved in your child’s learning! You can also check with your school for volunteer opportunities.

We’re all in this together. I’m excited to partner with you for the 2024-2025 school year!


Dr. J


Ebony Johnson, Ed.D.


Tulsa Public Schools